What We Do

and Why

FEED’s mission is to provide weekend food to children in need in Fayette County Public Schools. Many children depend on the food they receive at school as a critical part of their calorie needs. A bag of food over the weekend may seem small, but it is an essential supplement for low-income families and children.

We all start at the bottom of the pyramid with the very basics of what every human needs to survive—food, water, and rest. When one category is met, then and only then are we able to progress “up” the pyramid to focus on meeting our other needs. If we are unable to meet one category, we become “stuck” and unable to progress until that tier is met. The most basic needs are rest, water, and food.

In Fayette County, 44% of our children live in low-income households, 56% qualify for free or reduced lunch, and 16% live in food-insecure households.

Hungry children are at risk for many negative outcomes.* In the short term, they experience lower test scores, increased behavioral problems, poor reading performance, a weakened immune system, and an increased risk of chronic illness. In the long term, they suffer an increased risk of diabetes and cancer, impaired brain development and social skills, decreased lifetime earning power, and premature death.**

By providing adequate nutrition to our children, we are not just filling their stomachs; we are helping to build the foundation needed to address additional issues such as educational outcomes, mental and physical health, and family dynamics.

*2022 Kentucky Kids Count Data


By the Numbers


of teachers, nationwide, report seeing children who regularly do not get enough food at home

*Source: Kentucky’s Kids Count, 2022

Additional Resources: Here and Here

What We Do

One bag of food costs approximately $6.

We offer financial resources and volunteer support to Fayette County Public Schools to provide weekend bags of food to children in need.

These financial resources help "fill in the gaps" from other existing backpack programs.

​Bags typically contain shelf stable milk, fruit, vegetable, protein, grain, and a snack. A piece of fresh fruit or a vegetable are included when available.

A Distinct Identity

Since January 2017, FEED Lexington has been working with God’s Pantry to provide weekend meals to students in need in Fayette County.

FEED is currently fulfilling a portion of weekend food needs at:

Garden Springs Elementary

Garrett Morgan Elementary

James Lane Allen Elementary

Beaumont Middle School

Paul Laurence Dunbar High School

Lafayette High School

We operate in partnership with local churches, Family Resource Coordinators, and volunteers to ensure that weekend food needs are fulfilled at each of our partner schools. Our long-term goal is to create a community of school personnel, parents, non-profit organizations, and advocates to ensure that no student in Fayette County goes hungry when school is not in session.